Art der Lehrveranstaltung: Seminar
SWS / LP (nach ECTS): 4/6
Prüfungsleistung: Präsentation und Klauser
FH BAU International Berlin, WiSe 2014-15, Bachelor
This course aims to develop students towards sustainability issues at any level of design, respectively, architecture, interior architecture and product design. Sustainability is simply a balance management
between social, environmental and ecological requirements. The lectures focus on design dilemmas between these requirements and will be a discussion and application intensive experience, combining
design at any level.
- Understanding the issues and opportunities related to sustainable design
- Developing a working knowledge of basic theories, methodological tools and on practical examples of sustainable design
- Understanding the application of sustainable design logic to the cases
Ökologische Hüllen, Luftqualität, LCA, Ökologische Baumaterialien